Reflections | MERCY
Watch as Msgr. Don Fischer reflects on how God’s forgiveness can keep us from shame.
Good morning. I want to talk to you about mercy. Mercy. There's nothing more, I think, clearly intended by this God, man, Jesus, than revealing to us the depths of the love that the Father has for us. And that love is best described as mercy. And why would we call it mercy? Because one of the things that we have as a distancing situation between ourselves and God, it's our sins, our weaknesses, our mistakes. We tend to feel that they are separating us from the love of God. It's not that religion has so misguided us. Religion will stress that to get us to change, but basically it's something deep inside of each human being that we are not deserving of a gift or presents from another person, no matter who we are. That's really hard for us to understand.
So the biggest thing about Mercy that I want you to understand is believing it, believing what it is. It is God looking at the heart of you and seeing the beauty that he created. And every sin, every mistake you've made is somehow gone when he focuses on the essence of who you are.
You are not your sin. You are a child of God, and you're beautiful in his eyes. And so mercy is a way of seeing. God sees the beauty of you past your sins. And that is an amazing, life-Giving experience because without it we tend to fall into shame. And if you are in shame, the gift you need is mercy. And it's abundant. Believe in it today.
Have a good day.