Our Team

Monsignor Don Fischer, Founder & Executive Director - dfischer@pastoralri.com

Kyle Cross, Creative Director - kcross@pastoralri.com

Julie Condy, Director of Operations - julie@pastoralreflections.org

Jim Urbanus, Director of Development - jim@pastoralreflections.org

Charlene Boss, Executive Assistant - charlene@pastoralreflections.org

Board of Directors

S. Theis Rice, Board Chair

John Clark, Finance Chair

Mike Holt, Development Chair

Monsignor Don Fischer

Jake Farkas

Mary Jane Hooper

Christine Lebert

August Pellizzi

Advisory Council

Teresa Duca Dillard*

Libby Fischer-Osborne*

Dan Flaherty*

Dr. Gail Thomas*

Nancy Perot

Dr. Nancy Marcus Robertson*

Terrence Scott*

Tim Wallace*

Michael Wilhite Jr.*

* Emeritus status is an honorary position that is granted to board members who have served with distinction for 5+ years. We are forever grateful for these dedicated patrons who have guided us to success and continue to advise and support our ministry.