Platinum Sponsor - $1000
Top placement of logo on signage, website, and presentation at the event and two free signed Lenten Journals by Msgr. Don Fischer.

Gold Sponsor - $500
Secondary placement of logo on signage, website, and presentation at the event.

Silver Sponsor - $250
Third placement of logo on signage, website, and presentation at the event.

Bronze Sponsor - $100
Bottom placement of logo on signage and website.

Thanks to a generous donor all sponsorships will be matched 100% up to $4000. Your sponsorship helps ensure we keep our lecture serious free to the public.

Click the button below to purchase a sponsorship or make a donation. Click OTHER and enter the amount of the sponsorship you wish to purchase. Also, indicate that it is for a sponsorship in the COMMENTS section. We will contact you for more information and to get your logo to be displayed on signage.

Please email Julie Condy at julie@pastoralri.com or call (214) 296-9198 with any questions. We really appreciate your support!