Monsignor Don Fischer

Monsignor Don Fischer

Ordained in 1967, Fr. Don is in the 1st generation of Catholic priests trained in The Second Vatican Council, and later bestowed the honorary title of Monsignor.

After serving as an associate pastor for six years, he became chaplain of the University of Dallas (UD) for 13 years followed by 9 years of pastoring at St. Bernard of Clairvaux in East Dallas, TX. For the last 15 years of his parish ministry, Fr. Don cultivated and led a large community at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Richardson, TX.

Throughout his 55 years as a priest, Fr. Don has developed a unique style of preaching and is known for his deeply relatable homilies that reveal the universal wisdom that is rooted in scripture.


Pastoral Reflections Radio Program

When Fr. Don left UD in 1987 to start his new assignment at St. Bernard's, he was encouraged to broadcast his homilies on the radio so that the community across town could still hear him preach on Sundays.

Since then, every week for the last 35 years, Fr. Don has been recording his reflections on scripture and broadcasting Pastoral Reflections each Sunday at 10am on WRR Classical 101.1FM in Dallas, TX.

In October 2021, Pastoral Reflections expanded its ministry to 10 terrestrial radio markets and The Catholic Channel on Sirius XM satellite radio.The potential reach of the program is now more than 50 million households.


Pastoral Reflections Institute

Our Work • Resonating the Indwelling Presence of God

Pastoral Reflections Institute is dedicated to awakening all to the abundance of God’s loving presence made manifest in our humanity.

Pastoral Reflections Institute shares the exploration and teaching of this universal spiritual truth through podcasts, radio, online videos, printed and audio materials, seminars, lectures series and retreats.



In 2010 Fr. Don retired from active parish ministry and established a nonprofit called Pastoral Reflections Institute (PRI) enabling him to continue preaching to Dallas-Fort Worth through his radio program.

With the launching of PRI's website, Fr. Don's homilies on the radio became accessible to people far beyond North Texas.

PRI has since expanded its outreach beyond radio through podcasts, online videos, written materials, seminars, and retreats in Tuscany.

Topics for Radio Interviews

  • Indwelling presence of God

  • Authentic living versus striving for perfection

  • Freedom from excessive fear, shame, and anger

  • Awakening to one’s true self; Acceptance of God’s unconditional love brings peace