The purpose of the alumni group is to draw upon a unique shared pilgrimage retreat experience to advance spiritual renewal through:

  • Advocating for PRI’s mission by sharing the spiritually enriching content

  • Forming an online community with an e-newsletter and Facebook forum

  • Supporting the preservation, production, and distribution of Msgr. Don’s legacy body of work

The Pellegrini Alumni Committee will be formed to support the above goals, plan future gatherings, develop communications to foster a spiritually supportive alumni group, and encourage deeper commitment to PRI’s mission. To learn more about the volunteer opportunity, click the button below to notify Thomas Hutter or call him at 214-296-9198.


Support Pastoral Reflections Institute


Skill-based volunteering
Marketing, Social Media, Tech Support, Photography, Pellegrini Alumni Committee

Consider planned giving & appreciated stock

In-Kind donations

Event Space and Refreshments, Printing, IT Support

Enroll in Amazon Smiles
Select PRI as your charity to receive donations


Experience Pastoral Reflections Institute


Listen On The Radio
SiriusXM - The Catholic Channel 129
Sundays at 9:30 am ET

Affiliated Markets
KNZA-FM Hiawatha, KS
WLSC-AM/FM Myrtle Beach, FL


Subscribe to the Podcast
Audience Growth from Feb ‘21 to March ’23
2,909 to 19,981 downloads/mo
Our Goal: 10,000 downloads/episode

Engage with us Online
One simply way to support this ministry is by following, subscribing, liking and sharing our content online! If you have a Facebook account, join our private group by simply logging into your Facebook and searching for PRI Pellegrini and requesting to join.