Reflections on Scripture | Memorial of Saints Cornelius, Pope, and Cyprian, Bishop, Martyrs

Luke 6:43-49

Jesus said to his disciples:
"A good tree does not bear rotten fruit,
nor does a rotten tree bear good fruit.
For every tree is known by its own fruit.
For people do not pick figs from thornbushes,
nor do they gather grapes from brambles.
A good person out of the store of goodness in his heart produces good,
but an evil person out of a store of evil produces evil;
for from the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks.

"Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' but not do what I command?
I will show you what someone is like who comes to me,
listens to my words, and acts on them.
That one is like a man building a house,
who dug deeply and laid the foundation on rock;
when the flood came, the river burst against that house
but could not shake it because it had been well built.
But the one who listens and does not act
is like a person who built a house on the ground
without a foundation.
When the river burst against it,
it collapsed at once and was completely destroyed."


We're all familiar with the phrase, ‘You'll be known by your fruits.’

What this is talking about is some kind of authenticity that God longs for us to have, and what He uses as an image of what is the source of authenticity, it is the goodness that God places in your heart. And you may say a lot of things that sound good to you and to others, but if they are not who you are, if they're not in line with your core intention, when the water comes, when the river rushes, the house is swept away.

So the only way that we can truly follow Jesus is to be convinced of the things that He has taught us. And the greatest teaching is pay attention to your intention that is in your heart, because that's where God does His best work, transforming you there so that no matter what happens, no matter what it costs, you will be a source of truth.

Closing Prayer

Father, let us look at the things that go wrong, the things that test us as your way of longing for us to be stronger, not to expose our weakness, but He longs for us to understand that unless we are so thoroughly and completely convinced to be a source of goodness, no matter what the cost, we will never withstand the temptation of giving in. And we ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Kyle Cross