Reflections | GOD'S HEALING

Watch as Msgr. Don reflects on how our willingness to be completely open to God is when he is able to help us most.

Good morning. Who is God? Well, he's got many titles, but the one I want to talk about for a minute is he's a healer. He heals our wounds. What does that mean? Heals our wounds. It simply means that whenever you or I are in a position of evaluation of who we are, who we should be,  or we're in this reflective state and we see something it isn't what we think it should be. There's two reactions to that one is shame, maybe disappointment, and the other is a longing, you know, a simple longing. I wish I would long for this weakness not to be there. I would long for this habit of mine to change that I don't really feel is life giving to me in the people that I love. And so when you have that sense of something that you can't do or you don't know what to do to change it, that's when you have to realize that that's the moment. That's the moment that God heals. 

What he wants more than anything else is to open your eyes. And when he opens your eyes to see something that isn't what it should be, meaning you have seen darkness in something you've been choosing and you don’t want to choose it anymore. He feeds off of that darkness in such a beautiful way that he says, “If you see your sin, if you see your weakness, if you see it, then you're in the perfect position for me to do my work. My work is to do something you don't have to understand. You don't have to figure it out. It is something I do, it's my work.” I'm talking as if I'm God, “it's my work to do that. It's not your work to figure out how it works or to even do it yourself. But allow me to do it.” But before you can ever expect God to do his healing work, you've got to lay open the wound and say, God, look, it's like he's a doctor.

And I say, “This is what this is where my pain is.” And he goes, “Fine. If you tell me where it is, then I can do what I do. I can do the healing work as if I'm the best doctor in the world.” And, you know, the doctor might explain to you what he's doing, but in another way you're not worried about what he's doing, what you're looking for is a change. If you pay attention to the wounds you look at and then you go back to them, look again and you realize that you've been open to this healing power, I guarantee you you're going to see a change. So the key is openness to the wound, knowing you can't heal it and stepping back and allowing God to be God.

Nothing makes him happier than to heal that which is broken. In a part of you that he created whole. But it's been damaged. It's been harmed, and nothing makes him happier than to heal that as a mother would love to heal a child's wound and hold that child, that's the lover that you have. And the love is always healing.


Have a good day.

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Kyle CrossComment