Reflections | GOD'S PROMISE

Watch as Msgr. Don reflects on how God shows us our true nature, how we know it’s true, and that we were never meant to face it alone.

Jesus fulfills the will of God. He reveals the fullness of who God is. So I want to talk to you now about what does God promise in our relationship with Him? What does He promise we will have, or He will give us? The most interesting thing about that is if you understand fully that human nature is such, we are never going to be able to exist on our own.

God does not say, “I will make you so strong and so powerful. You go off and do it, come back to me, and let me know how it's going.” No He promises an ongoing presence. What is the impact of that ongoing presence? I would call it some kind of core conviction that when you turn to God and ask him for insight and wisdom, he will give it to you and you're basing your conviction that the thing you came to on your side is not from you only, but it is from God.

So I'll tell you, there is a way to know that it is from God. And I don't know how to describe this because it's not something you create, it's something you experience. There's a conviction inside of you that really knows. I mean, I don't know how to say it other than I know that I know this is real. I know this is true. 

Like, I guess the best one I could use for you now is like, do I think this works right now with you? Do I think this is really important, and do I think I'm supposed to do it? Absolutely. You can say a million things to me. They say that you shouldn't be doing this work. And there is nothing in me that I think you could ever say to me that would convince me to say, “No, this is not who you are, Don Fisher. You should not be doing this.” 

That is a promise that God gives to us, that he will give us a sense of our life, our destiny, our work, a decision that's really, really core to who we are. He will give that to us. That's his promise. And that's not the same as saying in every situation I will know the right thing to do. It’s not something that affects every one of your decisions. It's the big decisions. Who am I? What am I here for? What does God want to do through me? He'll reveal that to you. Absolutely. And you will know it. And no one can rob you of that. No one. It's a great gift. And without it, I don't see how we could even have the discipline to do the things we're called to do. Because when you believe it is who you are and it's what you're meant to be, there is a reservoir of energy and life.

Maybe that's a good way to determine whether or not, you know, you know, and that is that there's something in you that is allowing you not on your own, but feeding you to accomplish the goal that is truly who you are. What a great promise from God. I'll show you who you are. I'll show you the gift you have and others enable you to give it to those who need you.

Have a good day.

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Kyle Cross