Reflections | BELIEF

Msgr. Don Fischer reflects on the exciting dynamics and importance trust plays in our lives.

Good morning. I'd like to talk to you this morning about belief, what it means to trust in something. And it usually means that we are trusting in something that we haven't seen before. So there's something about belief that is dynamic. It's always changing. It's always growing. It's not like saying, “Hey, I believe, and there's no more work to be done.

No, belief is trusting in someone, and something, and ourselves and as someone as God, something is our life and ourselves is such an integral part of belief. Do I trust in myself? Do I trust in the way the world around me is unfolding? Do I trust in the people that are in my life? Yes. And do I trust that there is a God? Yes. 

What do you base that on? Two things. One's experience. I have looked and I've pondered and I've wondered and I believe this because I can experience it. I know it. The other is basing your belief in an authority greater than yourself. And, you know, sometimes that's a religion and the doctrine of religion. And other times somebody will say something to you. And, you know, it's like they believe it deeply and you believe in them. And so you believe in that belief because the person who believes it has some kind of image of them as a wise person. Look at all those possibilities of growing in belief because belief, the last thing you want to think of it is something static. Oh, I believe I got it all figured out. No. Belief is dynamic. It is a challenge. It demands curiosity and wonder. And it is such a rich source of finding peace. 

Have a great day.

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Kyle Cross