Reflections | HOLINESS

Msgr. Don Fischer reflects on how every aspect of our lives are intertwined and how the core principles need to flow throughout them all.

Good morning. I want to talk about holiness. Holiness. I think it means the same thing as the word whole, complete, full. And when I think about religion, I think often we have it in a compartment different than other compartments in our life. We have our religion over here that takes place on a weekend, maybe more than any other time. And then we've got our work life and our personal life and all that. 

But there's something about holiness and wholeness, and there is this thing in religion that is a way of being, a way of seeing, a way of understanding. And it permeates everything. In the areas that it permeates, it permeates the idea of how do we see and how do we imagine this God in our life? And then how do we imagine other human beings as part of our life? And then how do we imagine the inner life that we have? 

And, you know, it's like if you're working in any one of those. The key is to use the principles, the principles that God himself incarnates. Compassion, understanding, curiosity, wonder, a desire to have some kind of new appreciation of things that you've never seen before, without the fear that if you have something new, it means the old was somehow wrong. It has something to do with the freedom of responding to this incredibly powerful God. And he is capable of enriching every single aspect of your life. It's not God over here and your life. God over here and my relationships over here. It's all one. It's called holiness. 

Have a great day.

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